• Microsoft Office 2013/2016 was not limited at all • Google Chrome was not limited at all. It seems that Chrome cannot be limited in fullscreen mode. The workaround is to restore the window and then set limited size.
Friday, November 13, 2015
| cin
| New home
mThings.net - a variety of things. Many things. My things. New website name that defines its content much better than the old one. There are brand new versions of all applications available in download sections. All web links have been updated.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
| cin
| Website reactivation!
I'm back. This site won't be updated frequently, but I promise to share something useful. I'll provide free tool for Windows Live Mail application soon. But first I have to clean up this site.
Wendsday, March 7, 2012
| cin
| MaxMax v1.12
64-bit native version has been developed. Moreover VMWare Workstation 8 fullscreen bug and Quicken 2011 issues were fixed.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
| cin
| KM Remote v2.91
Right mouse button as modifier jamming fixed. KM Remote was treating RMB modfier pressed although it was not pressed anymore.